Launch Time: Blasting Past Limitng Beliefs - Donohue Consulting Inc

Launch Time: Blasting Past Limiting Beliefs

Patrick Donohue February 10, 2016 2 comments

Remember when you were in math class and the teacher talked about limits? 

Oh, you don't, never mind!


Actually limits in math act as a barrier that functions cannot go past.  Functions can get close to the limit, but never past it.

For some of us, "limiting beliefs" in our lives are acting as a barrier to reaching our full potential.  Limiting beliefs are typically not personal to us, rather more about groups we belong to.  For instance, limiting beliefs can sound like this:

  • People from my family cannot do that.
  • Nobody with my ethnic/gender background can get that type of job.
  • People my age cannot do those things anymore.
  • People my height just cannot do that.

These beliefs are not about you personally, but they often dramatically impact the things we are willing to try in life.  My limiting beliefs might stop me from applying for a job, asking someone out, trying a new hobby or going back to school.

I call limiting beliefs the "low bridging" of life.  We cut off opportunities for ourselves even before we have had a chance to explore them.  So, here's the challenge, do not use your education, gender, ethnicity, age or some other characteristic to disqualify you from opportunities you are interested in.  Explore, explore, explore and blast right past the limits!

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