I hear you, but as my seventeen year old son would say, “Cool story bro.” Everyone is busy, but there are some individuals who manage to keep developing themselves in the midst of the chaos. These are the people who voraciously read books, train for marathons, take cooking classes, learn to sail etc. They are not collapsed in front of the television or computer every night in a trance. Simply put, we are either growing or dying.
These growth oriented fathers take their own development seriously and it shows. These men have more energy, have more fun and are taken more seriously by their children when they exhort them to grow and develop.
So, where am I growing you ask? In the last three months, I have learned how to post Youtube videos, edit in iMove, write website material, set up a studio and use MailChimp. I am by no means an expert at any of these things, but I am growing and getting better and having fun.
Here are 4 tips to developing yourself:
1. Start with something small that has a definite end point.
2. Write down what you want to accomplish.
3. Set aside a specific time/place for your development.
4. Put your ego aside and be willing to be a novice at something.
Men, it is all about getting better. In fact, it is really about Getting Better at Getting Better!!! Keep growing, your kids will thank you.